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Sports Turf Canada’s Quarterly publication Sports Turf Manager is the only publication in Canada devoted to the sports turf industryThis publication is used by industry professionals for best management practices and research-based industry-specific material. Sports Turf Manager is the ONLY Canadian publication specific to the sports turf industry. It’s the GO-TO publication for on-going education for Sports Turf Canada members, associates and industry professionals. Without this publication, the sports turf industry would be without a quarterly update on the trends, best practices, resources and products specific to sports turf. Advertisers are a valuable part of this education process. Sports Turf Manager is available in print and pdf format. It can be found in its entirety online through The Michigan State University Turfgrass Information File or TGIF. |
Sports Turf Canada HAS ADDITIONAL ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OFBanner advertisement in E-Blasts (electronic newsletter) to both members and potential members. Target Audience: All STC members monthly plus potential members quarterly Partnership includes: Banner advertisement at the heading of one monthly e-communication & one quarterly potential member e-communication Cost: $60 for one month Banner advertisement on STC website home page. Target Audience: Website visitors Partnership includes: Banner advertisement at the top of the homepage of the website for one month. Cost: $220 for one month OR $110 for 2 weeks |